Bobby Oliver
Vyrl Studios [formerly Vyrl Co Design] began from a honest place of desiring to have an opportunity to explore all that it means to be a creative.
I was a hobbyist photographer and medical receptionist in Houston, Texas in 2009, and I was extremely dissatisfied with my life. I quickly left my work and relocated to Austin, Texas. While attending Huston-Tillotson University, it was there that I rediscovered my love for photography and had a light introduction to the fields of graphics and web design. At HTU is where I stumbled into the field of Interior, Web and Graphic design through various projects and classmates while I was pursuing my Business Administration and Marketing degree.
[2022 Update] VYRL Co. Design has been a fully operative business up until 2020 but now, sadly I’ve found new passions and have halted taking on new projects. I now keep this website “alive” to post personal projects. As of now, what you see is the remnants of memories from most of my 20’s. I plan on documenting each era of my life. To all of the people whom I’ve met in the many different phases in my life, and were photographed - I thank/love you.